Guy Disaster Mode! Video Games and Porn are Killing the Modern Man

Will someone please think of the men!?

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Guy Disaster Mode! Video Games and Porn are Killing the Modern Man
Video games are destroying mankind! This is the desperate-sounding conclusion from a recent report penned by Stanford University psychologist, Dr Philip Zimbardo, who believes that the "overuse of video games and pervasiveness of online porn" is leading to a destruction of male development.

According to Zimbardo's column, published on CNN, "researchers" - who are not named or cited - "increasingly" agree that the buzz young males get from interacting with technology is forcing them to become "hooked on arousal", sacrificing schoolwork and relationships in the process.

Zimbardo writes, "the consequences [of addiction] could be dramatic: The excessive use of video games and online porn in pursuit of the next thing is creating a generation of risk-averse guys who are unable (and unwilling) to navigate the complexities and risks inherent to real-life relationships, school and employment."

Clearly, Zimbardo has never played Persona 4, which addresses the complexities of school life and friendship whilst jumping into TV screens and battling monsters in another dimension. And what about LovePlus, which allows Japanese gamers to explore the nuances of relationships from the comfort of their own room? I mean, come on!

Zimbardo then gets less interesting and starts to rabbit the same nonsense previously published by researchers of his ilk - referencing a South Korean man who had a cardiac arrest in 2005 after playing StarCraft for 50 hours straight, and directly linking violence and video games together.

"But we are in a national, and perhaps global, Guy Disaster Mode that needs to be noticed and solutions advanced to fix a totally novel phenomenon, which will only increase in intensity and breadth without the concerted efforts of educators, gamemakers, parents, guys and gals," writes Zimbardo, probably with a tear in his eye. Will someone please think of the men!

Curiously, he ends his report with, "It's time to press play and get started reversing these trends." But... isn't playing part of the problem? What are we playing, exactly? Is the reversal of these quite obviously nasty and lethal trends a game in itself!? We're so confused!

Source: CNN


Rebecka 29 May 2012 10:21
I can confirm that I see this in my ex partner - he can't deal with real life problems, in fact he can't deal with anything, lol.

Limit your time on computer games, get some kind of balance in your lives. Remember, where there is a high there is also a come down.

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