SEGA has announced that its simian-rolling series, Super Monkey Ball, will finally be seeing a debut on the PlayStation Vita on 26th October 2012, with "launch window" title Banana Splitz. I don't think we can really call October "launch window", can we? We'll ask Sony and get back to you.The game will be released on those little diddy PS Vita cards, as well as on the PlayStation Store's digital download service. For your money, Banana Splitz will contain 100 puzzle stages, eight mini-games - including Monkey Target, which hopefully hasn't been bodged up again - and an online multiplayer mode.
There'll also be a whole load of Vita-specific play going on in that game, from tilt controls to using the cameras for custom stage creation. Wonder if we'll be able to recreate the Day One Bonus DLC that Japan is currently salivating over? Someone must try this out. For science.
Oh, there'll be Leaderboards too.
Read the press release itself, if you like,