Planet of the Apes game uncovered!

We have unearthed a new game based on the Planet of the Apes series of films. Cool eh!?

Posted by Staff
Developed by Visiware to be published by Fox Interactive and Ubi Soft, it will be a 3D third person adventure title that will put the player in control of Ulysses the US spaceman who, along with three friends, has crash landed on Earth hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

The game starts with the hero locked in a medical testing facility. From there you must escape and lead the oppressed humans to freedom.

Surprisingly, the game will be based on the original movies, Planet of the Apes and Beneath the Planet of the Apes, not the Tim Burton remake from mid 2001. Visiware is also keen to point out that it will be following the detail of the Pierre Boulle novel closely in a game that will greatly reward fans of the series.

Planet of the Apes is due for release next year on PC and possibly next-generation consoles next year. In the meantime enjoy these PC screens.


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