Taiko Drum Master Hitting 3DS in July

Addictive arcade madness on the go.

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Taiko Drum Master Hitting 3DS in July
It's time to get with the rhythm again - insanely fun arcade 'banger' Taiko Drum Master (or Taiko no Tatsujin in its native Japan) is about to get a release on Nintendo's 3DS. Namco Bandai has announced that Japanese gamers will be able to enjoy slapping the hell out of their handhelds this summer.

This new edition, titled Taiko Drum Master: Little Dragon and the Mysterious Orb (we didn't even realise there was any kind of STORY attached to these things!), will be the first on Nintendo's stereoscopic wondermachine. It will likely take full advantage of the system's stylus input, as has been the case with versions released on Nintendo DS.

For those who have never had the fortune of enjoying such wonders, the arcade version of Taiko Drum Master puts you in front of a huge Taiko drum and tasks you with smashing it with the two provided drum sticks in time with popular Japanese and video game tunes. The series has had ports on PS2, Wii and PSP among others in the past.

The 3DS edition is said to be hitting store shelves in Japan on 12th July for about £40 (and you thought new games were expensive in this country). No word of a UK release yet, but we have our sticks at the ready and have begun prodding Namco Bandai about it. We'll let you know when we hear a whimper.

Source: Andriasang


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