Disney Dumps SEGA from Marvel Game Making

No more plans for video games from SEGA

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Scarlett Johansson - in a Marvel-based movie... somehow related to this story.
Scarlett Johansson - in a Marvel-based movie... somehow related to this story.
Remember when Disney bought Marvel? Remember thinking that things might change? Well, they have, for SEGA anyway. The Japanese game maker responsible for Thor: God of Thunder and Captain America: Super Soldier among others.

Well, TQ Jefferson, vp games production for Marvel has told The Hollywood Reporter the following, rather baldly stated information:

"There are no current plans for additional Marvel games to be published by SEGA."

Erm, that's pretty brutal.

So, what of the future? According to "TQ", "I’m not saying anything revelatory when I say everything is pointing toward online and the connected experience. I believe free-to-play is exceptional in that it lowers the barrier to entry to nothing and allows consumers to sample the product before making a purchase. In today’s economic climate, games needed to do something to meet the consumer halfway, and free-to-play is a great first step."

Source: THR


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