More Real-world Tier One Operators for Medal of Honor: Warfighter

But the game isn't based on real-world battles

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More Real-world Tier One Operators for Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Medal of Honor: Warfighter, which will hit on October 23rd this very year for PS3, Xbox 360 and PCs was orginally going to be Saving Private Ryan for video games. Now it's not. It's got nothing to do with WWII in fact. But it does have the input of even more Tier-1 Operators (AKA mentally hard soldiers) than the previous title.

The new title features Preacher and Mother, the two Navy SEALS and members of AFO Team Neptunefrom the first reboot.

Executive producer Greg Goodrich points out that, "Medal of Honor started as the game version of Saving Private Ryan and that film was a historical fiction, an actual event but a fictional story woven through history. So we have done that even up to the last game, which was loosely based on Operation Anaconda."

He also states that the game is "focused on the threat of PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate), a nasty, nasty explosive that we have all been faced with over the last few years whether you realize it or not."

More details over at USA Today.


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