Myst Coming to the 3DS

One for you early adopting nostalgists... eh, what?

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Myst Coming to the 3DS
Okay chums, if you are the kind of technology mad, early adopter who also loves to wallow in nostalgia, then this is perfect for you. As the headline subtly suggests, ancient classic Myst is coming to the Nintendo 3DS/

The game, originally released in 1993 has been spruced up for the new platform. As Funbox says...

"The amazing adventure title which is ideally suited for the platform it, features six worlds, many puzzles to solve and clues to find, MYST offers over 80 hours of immersive gameplay and has something for everyone.

"With the 3D features the game really comes alive, giving players a new dimension to this already classic game. The 3DS version also introduces the first-person fantasy universe to players not yet acquainted with the series, and gives gamers extra content to explore with new landscapes and with the RIME Age added to enhance the MYST storyline."

More info here.


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