Final Fantasy XIII-2 Gets a Sidequest Trailer

Sidequests? In MY RPGS? Never!

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 Gets a Sidequest Trailer
Square Enix is keen to let you know that the next Final Fantasy game isn't going to feel like playing through a glorified corridor. This latest trailer, which showcases some of the side quests and mini-games that can be found in Final Fantasy XIII-2, does an ample job of communicating just that.

While Serah and Noel will be spending the majority of their time searching for Lightning, you can choose to go on a tangent and faff about with slot machines and Chocobo races to your heart's content. There are also Temporal Rifts throughout the story that will present third-person puzzle scenarios. There's also a quiz.

We recently previewed Final Fantasy XIII-2, check it out here to learn more about the alternative gameplay features. Then watch the trailer below. Say what you will, but it's certainly looking very pretty. The game comes out on the 3rd February.



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