New Rally title confirmed by SCi

PS2 does a hard right into rally heaven

Posted by Staff
To say that “the PS2 has already played host to a number of rally games” would make you a fool. This is because it hasn’t, but it will soon. UK based SCi has announced the forthcoming release of Rally Championship, an arcade rally title.

When showing its respectable GTC Africa, SCi was stressing all the time that it wasn’t a rally game, it was a car racer. This would appear to be the reason for this subterfuge.

The game looks excellent, and though it might not live up to the demands of Colin McRae hardened gamers, it should please fans of Sega Rally and V Rally’s arcade style of gaming.

Complete with licensed cars and as many bells and whistles as the development team can cram in, Rally Championship is shaping up nicely.


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