Older EA Titles See Online Multiplayer Shut-Down

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Older EA Titles See Online Multiplayer Shut-Down
Remember those old games that you probably never play online with anymore? Well, EA has announced that a bunch of them will stop seeing online multiplayer support from August this year. That's right. Start to rage. Let the hate consume you.

The games in question are Battlefield 2: Modern Combat on Xbox 360, Medal of Honor Airborne and Heroes on PSP and Wii, Army of Two and Skate on Xbox 360 and PS3, along with all versions of Tiger Woods. They'll all be switched off the grid from the 11th August.

Additionally, Madden NFL 10 and NHL 10 will be going bye bye in October.

EA released a statement that will hopefully calm your nerves. "The decisions to retire older EA games are never easy. The development teams and operational staff pour their hearts into these games almost as much as the customers playing them and it is hard to see one retired.

"But as games get replaced with newer titles, the number of players still enjoying the older games dwindles below a point – fewer than one per cent of all peak online players across all EA titles – where it’s feasible to continue the behind-the-scenes work involved with keeping these games up and running.

"We would rather our hard-working engineering and IT staff focus on keeping a positive experience for the other 99% of customers playing our more popular games. We hope you have gotten many hours of enjoyment out of the games and we appreciate your on going patronage."

Wonder if there'll be an option to auto-collect achievements and trophies that will no longer be available to earn after the shut-down dates? Surely that's the biggest thing in all of this.


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