EA Sports Football Club: No Charge 'This Year'

David Rutter talks costs

Posted by Staff
EA Sports Football Club: No Charge 'This Year'
We recently sat down with EA's David Rutter to discuss all things FIFA. Of course, what came up amid talk of back-fours and slotting passes into the hole was the EA Sports Football Club. It's free at the moment. But what of the future?

David Rutter explained, "Well, it’s our first year, and ultimately what we’ve decided is that the stuff that we’re trying to do this year was cool and we wanted people to get involved and to have fun doing it. We toyed with the idea of it costing money, but after some long discussions about it, it was decided that for this year, it will be at no additional cost, so..."

So? He continued after a bit of prompting, "I don’t know what the future holds. I’m just fully invested, heart and soul, in releasing FIFA 12 at the moment. Once I can actually take a gulp of air above the surface of that, I’ll be able to have a think about it. But we’re not charging for it this year."

Full interview coming a little later today.


Zidane Hadi 12 Jul 2011 06:39
If this is included in the next fifa it should still be free
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