David Jaffe on Video Game Critics

Time for us to man-up

Posted by Staff
David Jaffe on Video Game Critics
Eat Sleep Play's main man, David Jaffe, has been making his thoughts clear on the perceived conservatism of the recent E3 meet-up, and games in general. One of his points is that we video game critics are letting developers get away with it.

"...when I hear people say that E3 looks conservative," says DJ, "to me, I don't think the journalists have done a good enough job holding our - as in developers' - feet to the fire.

"(Journalists) should be demanding, and be able to separate themselves from certain elements. Take a film critic. Whenever you read Variety, at the end of a Transformers 3 review, they'll say 'tech credits are amazing'. They love it, and all those tech people on that movie will hopefully work forever because they're clearly geniuses in their field - just like the guys who worked on the Battlefield tank sequence.

"But above that, you also have 'f*ck, this movie's boring', 'I've seen it before', 'It doesn't work'. You know?"

Yes, we know. So, do you take any notice of reviews? Would you prefer reviews to be harsher? Tell us in the Comments below.

Source: CVG


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