Chinese Red Army Using 'Mission of Honor' Video Game

FPS for training troops

Posted by Staff
Chinese Red Army Using 'Mission of Honor' Video Game
The Chinese Army is using an FPS to train its troops. It's called either Glorious Mission or Mission of Honor (sic) depending on which translation of the State News service you read.

According to The People's Daily the game is China-owned property rights, jointly with Giant Interactive Group. It is a completely "China-owned property rights is not only full of Chinese characteristics but also brings China up to speed on military game development."

It's not the first such sim to be used for training purposes by the Chinese army, but it is the first Chinese developed title.

The reason for this switch, according to The People's Daily? "Military games have been developed for years. They have formed a system and been put into use in education as well as training in some foreign armies. However, China's own development of military games is still in the primary steps.

"Although some foreign military games have been used in some Chinese armies' daily training, they may not suit Chinese soldiers and even mislead them due to the different concepts of values and military thoughts."

Let's have a look at it.


gingineer 20 May 2011 13:13
another COD clone!
I wonder if they tea bag when they kill each other?
yo yo 20 May 2011 15:44
i wonder if Canada US and UK are the enimey's lol
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