Codemasters Loses Control of Lord of the Rings Online

Turbine picks it up

Posted by Staff
Codemasters Loses Control of Lord of the Rings Online
Codemasters is to hand over control of Lord of the Rings Online in Europe to Turbine as the later consumes the game into its 'global service'.

Official word is, "Turbine announced today that it will be expanding its global operations and will assume full control of The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) in Europe beginning June 1, 2011.

"As part of this transition, Codemasters Online will continue to operate the European LOTRO service until June 1st when the existing European players will begin the migration to Turbine’s global service."

The game's exec producer, said Kate Paiz, says, "We are working very closely with our partner Codemasters Online to facilitate a smooth transition to our new global service. We will be providing free account transfers to our new global service and players will be notified when the transfer utility is available."

More info here.


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