ProtoType 2 is nearly upon us. If you've not played the first one read the review here. Guess what, the hero from the first one is the enemy in the new one.
No it's not a spoiler!
It's out of the mouths of the chaps from Radical Entertainment. The fact is the Alex Mercer becomes the enemy and James Heller becomes the good guy. As is pointed out by the chaps from Radical, it's a really simple twist... then they mention Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker for some reason (surely there should be some sort of Godwin's law for game devs and Star Wars refs?). Anyway, watch the trailer.
Note: This rant is on this specific website because on here you don't need an account to post comments, now onto the rant. . . I don't know why so many people are angry about the Mercer to Heller change, I mean firstly Mercer was never really the "good guy", secondly the virus IS the main character of the story(was Mercer back in Hope, Idaho? No, no he wasn't) and finally. . . . .Heller is a badass name, I mean come on guys how could you not like that name!?! Also, so many people out there are confused as to why Heller was infected, but didn't turn into a zombie. . .uh duhhh(winning, JK) because he was infected with the same "variant" of the virus as Mercer, the Blacklight variant not the Redlight! Anywhoo I'm just looking forward to the game in 2012. . .yeah I think a game about the end of the world/new york/something else will be much better than the actual end of the world, sure the real thing will have some fancy disasters but then it's done, but with [PROTOTYPE] you can go back even after the game is beat'n. . . P.S I really want to play as a black dude for once! P.S.S. What does P.S. stand for? J.R.
Chikara2 Apr 2012 22:14
@JR P.S means Post Scriptum dude
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Amara12 Aug 2012 20:29
such a waste, Alex Mercer is so cute! I don't want to kill him lol I will probably replay Prototype 1 just so he can be my character again.
but still, awesome game, both of them 1 and 2
Joshua31 Jan 2013 23:36
How can mercer be cute? Besides if any characters deserves to die its Dana as in [prototype] Alex risked every thing to save her from greens hive and in return she turns on him
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