Child of Eden and Drive San Francisco Dates

Ubisoft goes release mad

Posted by Staff
Child of Eden and Drive San Francisco Dates
Good old Ubisoft, it's got games coming out that should - if you like fun - make you sit up and take notice. Let's start with Child of Eden - a preview of which is coming up on SPOnG at 5pm today.

According to the latest release schedule, Tetsuya Mizuguchi's (an interview with him is also forthcoming) mind-bender is due out on PS3 and Xbox 360 on June 17th this very year.

We've also got: Splinter Cell Trilogy HD on PS3, which is one for the second quarter of 2011 - let's call that July.

But what about Driver: San Francisco? Well, on all formats you can think of... September 2011.

Call of Juarez: The Cartel? That's still on for sometime in the Summer.


headcasephil 19 Apr 2011 18:34
cant wait for Child of Eden but should i get it on 360 (kinect) or ps3 (move)
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