GAME Staff Encouraged to Stock Up on Tesco 3DS

Sell the stock as pre-owned once mint consoles ran out.

Posted by Staff
GAME Staff Encouraged to Stock Up on Tesco 3DS
If one could depict GAME as a human being for a second, it would probably be the kind of pikey oaf that loiters around Cash Converters. For it seems that during the Nintendo 3DS launch period, store employees were encouraged to nip off to Tesco to buy stock in order to sell them off as pre-owned.

Eurogamer has uncovered an internal document that authorises the spending of just over £1000 - or five Tesco bundles that include the console and a game for £209.90 - so that the store in question could be sold off as pre-owned once the mint-condition stock ran dry.

A GAME spokesperson said: "Some of our stores wanted to move quickly last weekend to build their pre-owned stocks of 3DS at the same time as their local competitors, so we gave them a process to do that. It was not mandatory, and happened in small volumes."


Geowolf 29 Mar 2011 18:59
Man, that's despicable. If they told the truth they were withholding from the public the opportunity to get a good offer at Tesco so as to force people to pay their inflated prices.
Cfan 30 Mar 2011 07:34
Corporate scalpers.
deleted 30 Mar 2011 12:37
This only indicates further that GAME is struggling the retail industry to justify a brick and mortar store focusing only on games, if they cant compete with the likes of Tesco on new hardware releases and must focus on a used market, it can only spell the end for Games Stores LTD.
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