DICE Dumbing Battlefield 3 for Console

Scaled down version

Posted by Staff
DICE Dumbing Battlefield 3 for Console
DICE headman Karl Magnus Troedsson has come out and said what most people were thinking in the first place: console versions of Battlefield 3 will be scaled down for PS3 and Xbox 360.

"PC is the leading platform, conceptually, for this game, definitely," he said rather confusingly, before bringing the big - or maybe small - guns to bear with:

"We are going to make this game on 360 and PlayStation 3 as well, [but] we need to scale it down to those platforms."

But why Karl Magnus, why?? "The PC players are going to love to hear that, but it's a fact. The hardware specs on the console are limited. At the same time, for each iteration on these console platforms we can utilise the power of them better and better, so what we do on the other platforms is going to be amazing, and look much better on the PC too.

PC Gamer via CVG


wtf? 15 Mar 2011 21:25
no s**t dude. of course it has to be scaled back, that much was always a given, 360/PS3 do 720p mostly and the unlikely 1080p at rare best. PC gamers will be running this game @ 1600p+ with all the bells and whistles turned on, on their overclocked high-end pc's with 8gb of ram and dual gpu's.

so, this happening isn't news.
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