Jaffe Calls on Journalists to Call Devs on "Bullshit"

Games vs Art debate heats up

Posted by Staff
Jaffe Calls on Journalists to Call Devs on "Bullshit"
David Jaffe, developer and general loudmouth who must make PR and marketing people wake up screaming at night due to his actual blogging and, well, saying things, has called out both pretentious developers and lazy journalists.

On his own, unmoderated blog, Jaffe has entered the "Games are Art?" debate with some aplomb:

"Just because there's wind blowing and a minimal soundtrack and vast open spaces to explore and a slow pace doesn't mean that the game you are playing is art.

"And just because a game's story and presentation contains elements you've see in the 'big boy movies' doesn't make a game adult or mean the medium is maturing.

"These are all surface elements that-while challenging as anything else in games to produce well- do not speak to the maturation of the medium one iota.

"I'm tired of seeing gamers- and game journalists especially- falling for this.

"Game journalists of all people need to be calling us developers out on our smoke and mirrors bullshit."

We recommend you read the man in his own words, here.


SPInGSPOnG 14 Mar 2011 13:43
I resent the subliminal suggestion that an urinal with the signature of the immortal, but sadly now deceased, R Mutt on it is not art.

I'd rather urinate on some of these arty so-called games than on Mr Mutt's classic work of situationist piss-pot repurposing.
SpoonMaster 14 Mar 2011 14:05
Are you making a joke? I hope you are.

The R.Mutt in question never existed. The sculpture is in fact a piece of art by Marcel Duchamp. If indeed either of those words can be used to describe it. It's a statement though, certainly.

Additionally, Jaffe maybe noisy and quite capable of creating decent games, but he's not always right.

deleted 14 Mar 2011 16:52
Games had far more artist vision back in the 80`s than today's excuses and back in the 80`s games were games aimed at gamers who were whoever played them.

although if anyone has an artistic touch within games, Jaffe does, doesn't mean I like him though.

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