PEGI Video Game Ratings: No Context Just Contents

We Dare rating sticks

Posted by Staff
PEGI Video Game Ratings: No Context Just Contents
PEGI, the pan-European games rating board - which is a non-governmental body effectively run by publishers for publishers and which will become the UK's only ratings organisation for gaming - has made its stance on the 12+ rating for Ubisoft's sexy We Dare title clear.

In a response to the Cubed3 site, PEGI says that:

"PEGI does not take into account the context of a game when rating it, we only look at the contents of the game. (We Dare) has been rated as a PEGI 12 because it contains mild swearing, minor assault on a human-like character and words/activities that amount to obvious sexual innuendo, explicit sexual descriptions or images and sexual posturing."

By "context" the company is referring to the sexually encouraging advertising and marketing campaign run by Ubisoft and picked up with its usual prurient disgust by papers such as The Sun. The paper claims that "A RAUNCHY game for the Nintendo Wii has outraged parents who say it promotes orgies and lesbian sex to kids as young as 12."

Confusing a 12 rating with "promotion to 12 year olds".


Daz 9 Mar 2011 12:40
picked up with its usual prurient disgust by papers such as The Sun. The paper claims that "A RAUNCHY game for the Nintendo Wii has outraged parents who say it promotes orgies and lesbian sex to kids as young as 12."

Confusing a 12 rating with "promotion to 12 year olds"

No wonder their medium is dying, it's full of idiots. I bet all those outraged 'parents' felt quite the fool when their 5 year old told them that games are rated on content and not what the perverted minds of adults think, otherwise every Wii game would be rated 18.
Joji 14 Mar 2011 22:03
Clearly shows that those who have a Wii, absolutely hate its squaeky clean image being shattered, by anything remotely left field. Shame on them, but it will no doubt make Ubi's game a nice collectors item.
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