David Jaffe Protects the Game Consumer

Updates getting out of hand

Posted by Staff
David Jaffe Protects the Game Consumer
Ever verbose and often controversial David Jaffe has been voicing every gamer's pet hate: the sheer number of updates that seem to accompany games at the moment - especially those updates that it week or even day or release.

"Hardware manufacturers, I feel, should only allow one to four updates to the software per game every year. And none of them should come in the first one or two months of the game shipping. When I first started in the business the games we shipped was our last chance off the bat.

"If game developers could make it work then, we can at least make sure games don't have to be updated the same f**king week they hit shelves, thus causing more wait times for the consumer."

Can't say fairer than that.

Via GI.biz


Cfan 3 Mar 2011 11:42
Have to agree, no updates for cart based gaming and no DLC...ah the good old days ;)
deleted 3 Mar 2011 19:42
Nintendo seems to release AAA titles with no updates ever, seems no one else can. and COD has an update every fricken 5 mins.
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Tone 3 Mar 2011 22:20
Ninty uses the same games/engines/story/re-release of past games, so they have pretty much perfected thier games (back in 1990)
xbox and sony AAA titles are more complex so there is more to go wrong/be hacked so updates are required to patch these up. its a lose/lose situation for developers: put the game back to perfect and face slaughter from gamers or release the title with bugs on time and patch up later and still face slaughter from gamers.
yes its annoying but you would like your game to work AND be relased as early as possible?
Tone 3 Mar 2011 22:21
By the way my comment doesn't dis ninty, i do like thier games
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