Zombie Game Update: Telltale Games Confirms Walking Dead

Yay! A zombie game...

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Zombie Game Update: Telltale Games Confirms Walking Dead
Can't get enough heart-wrenching, emotion inducing zombie based games? Of course you can't. No one can. So, you'll be pleased to hear that we'll all be getting a new one.

Telltale Games has announced that it's got the license to make the game of the TV series of the novels of the comics of the zombesque Walking Dead.

"The rumours are true", says the company, "we're working on a game based on Robert Kirkman's Eisner award-winning comics series The Walking Dead!", see.

It then hands over to advertising and marketing company - sorry, games news site - IGN for "have all the info that's fit to print (or post online)".

IGN it appears, "grabbed" Robert Kirkman, creator of the franchise" to ask some interesting questions such as:

"A Walking Dead game?! Does this prove conclusively that there is a God, Mr. Kirkman?"

We do, however, discover that the game will be episodic.


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