Sony on PS4 in Developement - We're Not Saying

Also, more Moves on the way.

Posted by Staff
Sony on PS4 in Developement - We're Not Saying
President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Andrew House has stated SCEE is not talking about the development of PS4 but is looking at 'accelerating production of the Playstation Move controller".

Interviewed by Middle Eastern online outlet,, which states that House "has been media trained to within an inch of his life", the CEO stated that in terms of PS4 development:

"If there is we are certainly not talking about it right now". A suitably ambiguous response that refuses to confirm or deny.

He also points towards the current gen PS3 and its Move controller:

"The initial sales response (to Move) has been so far in excess of our initial plan that we’ll probably be looking at accelerating production."

We're trying to discover if "sales response" actually means "units we sold"....


bertybassett 8 Feb 2011 15:02
must say move is crappy with all its configuration and re-configuration every time a new player picks up the controller.
jacob 8 Feb 2011 16:32
must say that kinect is a slow crappy piece of s**t and wii is a load of bullcrap!
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john 8 Feb 2011 16:34
init kinect is s**t and so is wii i have move wii and kinect and to be honest i think move is the best.
Jam Col Mac 8 Feb 2011 22:10
I have been waiting since the first play station for an ultimate console. PS3 was my first pick to anything else, but after reading I feel that I will be waiting even longer. I will not go out and buy a PS3 when the PS4 is around the corner. And it is. I've waited over 11 years to play these awesome games, but Not everybody has the money buy them. I wouldn't want to take the risk of buying a console just to have the next day, the new come out. Asinine.
BobO 8 Feb 2011 22:21
I have been nothing but satisfied with the Move. Great games are being released that support it and the unit itself performs wonderfully. I don't know why people are already getting that PS4 itch - enjoy what you have know!
NorDak 10 Feb 2011 17:43
Sony/xb/nintendo should just come out and say when they are planning to release... lets say summer 2013 you will get a new system, have backwards compatibility and a relatively open development process.
Kohl 13 Feb 2011 12:02
@Jam_Col_Mac are you 10??? What r u talking about? Ur gonna have 2 wait 3 or 4 years for PS4.
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