Jaffe Defends PSP2 like 'Fresh Pussy" Comment

Look everybody, let's all just chillax, yeah?

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Jaffe Defends PSP2 like 'Fresh Pussy" Comment
David Scott Jaffe of God of War and Twisted Metal (the reboot, re-hash, whatever) has come out in defence of David Scott Jaffe's statement that Sony's new portable is like 'fresh pussy' in that it won't give you STDs (get hacked) but you will get bored with it, like you do with ladyparts.

Bless him, in a fit of being controversial, the developer stated that:

".@pocholo8 I swear I'm not. New hardware is like new pussy. It's exciting at first but after you've experienced enough fresh vagina over the years- while there's still always a bit of excitement when something new comes along- you learn that sooner than later, the new and exciting becomes the standard and dependable and so it's best to just stay focused and greatful on what you've got at the moment and if you need to make a change, it'll just happen organically. And yes, Edge, you can use that quote for your SoundBytes section. I made it JUST FOR YOU! :)"

He followed this up with, ".@lvitalis True that. AND new pussy is not hacked yet so there are no STDS to deal with and you don't got pirates fucking ur lady. We could...do this all day :) But I gotta get back to work! Later ya'll!"

Apparently, however, some folks thought Mr Jaffe's comments regarding vagina, sexually transmitted diseases, hardware and pirate fucking were a little off-colour.

Mr J leapt to his defence as follows, "The whole pussy/NGP comment...uhm...it was meant to be over the top obnoxious peeps. So stupidly offensive that it was amusing. I was not using the simile for any reason other than that. I think I genuinely like to push the buttons of uptight people. They annoy me greatly :)."

And this....

"@ONoesUDidnt I don't think I used the term pussy as an insult. Calling someone a pussy- and intending that to be a bad thing- would be."

Because, while Mr Jaffe doesn't " like it when people use the word 'gay' or 'bitches' and and then say 'dude, I didn't mean it literally'", in his case, he was "...not equating pussy w/a negative thing."

So, everybody calm down you bag of as-yet-immature-felines! Jaffe's also thoroughly entertaining and often hilariously open about this games and others while not being PR-tethered. So check him out on Twitter before he gets closed down.



deleted 31 Jan 2011 16:55
He should get a XBOX Live ban!
DoctorDee 1 Feb 2011 07:35
Yeah, because equating pussy with a bad thing would be totally gay.
JoesoMelono 1 Feb 2011 08:43
I could probably agree more if he said fresh tits, i do love fresh tits.
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