PS3 Flower Dev Calls Online Game Makers 'Lazy'

Says it like it is

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PS3 Flower Dev Calls Online Game Makers 'Lazy'
The director of developer thatgamecompany (flower), Jenova Chen, has said in a recent interview that he sees designers of online games as "lazy".

Asked if he sees it as important to challenge preconceived notions of what makes a multiplayer game these days, Chen explained that when people design online games, they often do lazy work. He added that "They bring an existing single-player game — an RPG, an RTS, a fighting game, a shooter — and duct tape on some online technology."

Quizzed as to why he sees these things as issues and acknowledging himself as a shooter and fighting game fan, Chen replied:

"Yeah. I like fighting games too.They’re fun. But as I get older, what’s the point in pulling off another infinite combo? What does that do for your life? It’s not useful," adding that "People still play chess because strategic thinking is useful. Brain training games, fitness games…these have relevance. People don’t have much time to waste, so they want relevance. Whether it’s emotional relevance, like experiencing joy or sadness, or intellectual relevance, or social relevance."

Do you agree with Chen's comments? Any thoughts, feel free to post them in the Comments section below.

Source: US Playstation blog


ergo 12 Jan 2011 12:23
Sounds like someone w/ too much time on their hands and has bought all of the outstanding stock in Games Are Art, Inc.
jb 13 Jan 2011 02:11
''what’s the point in pulling off another infinite combo''

Stop playing garbage Chen, start playing Virtua Fighter
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SpeakLouder 13 Jan 2011 12:43
What does floating around a grassy knoll do for for your life?
ExeGeoff 14 Jan 2011 08:39
I totally agree, COD:Modern Warfare 2 was a prime example. Supposedly a AAA game but completed the offline campaign within 5 hours, rubbish!
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