Capcom Calls Sony Out on Lack of Super Street Fighter IV Costumes

Platform holder doesn't pay additional DLC costs.

Posted by Staff
Capcom Calls Sony Out on Lack of Super Street Fighter IV Costumes
Ever wondered why you never get to see those new Super Street Fighter IV costumes your PS3 friend/opponent has downloaded? It's because of Sony, according to Capcom.

"The DLC for the newest costumes is additional data that must be put on your machines from the first-party networks (XBL and PSN). When you add new data to an existing product, there are significant costs to do so charged by the first parties," said community manager Seth Killian.

While Microsoft covers those costs for Capcom, Sony does not. That's why, if you've not purchased the costume pack yourself, you can see the new threads on opponents who have on Xbox 360 - but not on PlayStation 3.

"Those that don't buy the costumes can't see them, because the new costume data isn't present on your machine, and so you only see costumes you already have the data to represent," Killian added.

"The story is a bit more complicated because the costs of adding new data vary by region in some cases, and some additions are free, or free within a certain timeframe, etc., but the bottom line in this particular case is that Sony would charged Capcom significant fees for distributing the new costume data to users that hadn't actually bought the DLC."

Platform holders covering the costs of DLC viewing for its third parties. Fair, unfair? Let us know below.


tyrion 5 Jan 2011 13:25
Why should I care if someone else has downloaded a costume? A level or upgrade or map, sure, but a costume?
PreciousRoi 6 Jan 2011 03:57
not sure if YOU'RE supposed to care...I think its the people who would be downloading the costumes who would care...

I mean, it'd be a bit like dressing up to go out trick or treating, but when they answer the door all they see is you in your normal jeans and t-shirt...a costume that only you can see is a bit s**te, no?
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