Live fish feature in arcade game: How cool is this!?

You will love Goldfish Catcher

Posted by Staff
Live fish feature in arcade game: How cool is this!?
Innovative Japanese amusement manufacturer KNT Co has released details of its next machine to storm the arcades of Japan and possibly the US and Europe.

Goldfish Hunter is a prize machine in which the players compete to catch live goldfish from a big round tank using a mechanical arm. We think the operation of the game is best described by KNT themselves:

1, Insert the coin.
2, Push the start button.
3, Control the mechanical arm using joystick.
4, Push the GET button when you set the target.
5, Yeah!! You made it!
6, Put the fish into attached bag.
7, Bring him to your home. Please breed him with your love!

Erm, isn’t that illegal?

So what do you think? We are not sure how this machine would go down in the Western world. Attitudes to animals in the East vary somewhat from those of our own, but we think this is rather cool and very much in the spirit of things.

We will bring you more from the insane world of coin-operated gaming as we get it.


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