Despite being up to its neck in debt, the Irish Government via Enterprise Ireland has announced fund with €500,000 to spend on ten internet and games start-ups.According to a report in
Siliconrepublic, "An external panel including some of Ireland’s best-known internet and games entrepreneurs has been assembled to evaluate the applications.
The closing date for applications is 16 December, 2010, and the 10 selected companies will be agreed upon by the end of January 2011. Application forms and detailed information are available online.
Targeting a €30bn market."
The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation Batt O'Keeffe TD stated, “Games are one of the fastest-growing markets in the world with an estimated value of more than €30bn.
“In Ireland and the UK, the market for online games is valued at about €2bn. Clearly, there is an enormous business opportunity there for Irish firms and the Government ... Enterprise Ireland is focused on helping internet and games entrepreneurs to capitalise on this rapidly growing market opportunity."
No chance of the UK government adopting this technique?