David Jaffe Strikes Back at 360 Owners

Gives them a piece of his mind

Posted by Staff
David Jaffe Strikes Back at 360 Owners
Responding to an article posted on Destructoid, ever outspoken developer David Jaffe has targeted the replies of commentors to his preference of developing for the Playstation 3.

Jaffe's statements generated some pretty harsh replies from commenters on the games news webiste, to which he replied via his Twitter

Holy f**k, Destructoid Xbox only owners out in full force against me. WTF? I can't have an opinion? It's not that we would not LOVE to have our games in every home in the world...even the ones w/out electricity. F**k it- we don't care! It's just that we value our relationship with Sony very, very much. They give us extra time to make the game great, lots of creative and marketing and business support. And we like the people over there tons; they are like family. Why is it so hard to understand we'd like 2 stay in that kind of working relationship?

Not unexpected behaviour by Jaffe but he doesn't like to let detractors run their mouths too much does he?


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