At Last! Phrases Take Farmville off of Top Spot

On the day that World War III breaks out

Posted by Staff
At Last! Phrases Take Farmville off of Top Spot
Facebook game (or infection if you've ever had to block billions of updates and unfriend people who send you them), Farmville, has recently been replaced as the number one title on Facebook, it can be revealed.


The popular farming simulation title was recently dethroned by the Facebook app. Phrases which allows users to post various quotes, images and quizzes from a variety of pre-generated topics via their Facebook newsfeed.

The app has grown in popularity with the most recent usage figures showing that 54.3 million monthly users were active on Phrases. This is in comparison to the 53.9 million monthly users that Famrville currently carries as well as maintaining the biggest daily active audience at 16 million users.

Signs of Farmville's decline in popularity or just a temporary lapse for the popular Facebook title? Any thoughts, feel free to post them down below.

Source: Worlds in Motion


JoesoMelono 23 Nov 2010 14:39
Maybe because its s**t!
SPInGSPOnG 24 Nov 2010 07:26
The thing is, your story does not provide enough data to tell whether there are ANY signs of Farmville's decline. Sure, Phrases has become MORE popular than Farmville, but this may simply be due to an increase in the popularity of Phrases rather than a decrease in the popularity of Farmville. If Phrases ascent is faster than Farmville's, it could take the top spot without ANY decline for Farmville.

What you, and any reasonable observer should do, before speculating so idly and so speciously is find out whether Farmville ever had MORE than 16 million daily users or 53.9 million monthly users. If it did, THAT would indicate a decline from it's maximum popularity. That would still not prove a declining trend. You'd need at least three data for that, and with only three data, the trend could not be predicted with any degree of accuracy.
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