SSFIV iPhone Edition Gets Sagat, Deejay

Two kickboxers for the price of one!

Posted by Staff
SSFIV iPhone Edition Gets Sagat, Deejay
The latest free update to the iPhone version of Street Fighter 4 has released today with two additions to the previously announced character roster.

In addition to the arcade challenge option inclusive in the game, players will be able to get to grips with not only the eye-patch wearing self-declared Emperor of Muay Thai, Sagat, but will also get to play with everyone's favourite dancing musical kickboxer, Deejay. The only difference is that Sagat will be available from the off. Deejay has to be unlocked but this can be done by playing the iPhone version of the fighter wirelessly three times.

If you've got an iPhone and like playing SFIV on it go grab the update now.

Source: Andriasang


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