A Mortgage Broker Got Andy Serkis in Gaming

Something to thank the financial world for.

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A Mortgage Broker Got Andy Serkis in Gaming
Andy Serkis has been talking about working in video games. Apparently 'Motion Capture' is not something that happens... it's 'Performance Capture'. And apparently, it took a mortgage broker to get him into Heavenly Sword.

According to the Gollum actor, he only got into Heavenly Sword - and video games - because... we'll let him tell you:

"It's a strange tale. I was approached via my mortgage broker, who is the brother of on of the Heavenly Sword developers. He showed me a trailer after we'd discussed mortgage rates and I thought it was fantastic. So it was very much a chance encounter."

Serkis also explains how gaming should be given its artistic due.

"I wasn't a huge gamer in the past, but I do play a lot now with my children. I'd like to think that we strive in film and theatre to tell great stories, and I believe in the power of storytelling in our culture.

"But, until recently, this huge gaming force has been neglected when it should have been treated with respect and invested with as much artistry as possible."

Oh, the motion capture thing... "There's an important distinction between motion capture, which is the technology used to track body movement and was developed by the medical industry to assess injuries, and performance capture (PC) which has been developed by the film industry as a means of capturing on film an actor's complete performance – their physical, facial and vocal performance."

Who knew?

Source: The Guardian


JoesoMelono 8 Nov 2010 14:24
Oh have a wank Andy.
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