Electronic Arts Offering Replacement Games to APB Users

Or a $20 voucher, if you're unlucky.

Posted by Staff
Electronic Arts Offering Replacement Games to APB Users
Electronic Arts appears to be offering partial refunds and replacement games to the APB customers that have been burned by the closure of Realtime Worlds and the MMO's servers.

Users on the Steam forums have discovered that by directly contacting EA for a refund on the game will result in either a $20 goodwill voucher or - if you're one of those customers that push their consumer rights hard enough - any game from the EA Store as a replacement.

If you're stuck with a placebo MMO in APB, give the publisher a buzz via this link and have a think about the games on offer - Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Spore, The Saboteur, Burnout Paradise and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 are among your options.

Your results and mileage may vary though, obviously, so be nice to them.


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