King of KFC in Phantasy Star Portable

Colonel Sanders adds weight to PSP

Posted by Staff
Pic via Andriasang
Pic via Andriasang
In what may seem to be the stuff of wild dreams, the iconic Colonel Sanders who founded Kentucky Fried Chicken will appear in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.

In a collaboration between the fast food chain and SEGA, Sanders will appear in the title as a partner character who will assist you in the game's missions.

SEGA has confirmed that Sanders appearance is only the start of the collaboration as there will also be KFC-related items in the game too.

The day we eat a KFC fillet burger to restore health has finally arrived. Now we just need Ronald MacDonald and the Burger King to complete the set.

Source: Andriasang


Ryan550 19 Sep 2010 00:51
This is beyond a joke... I have never played any game in the Phantasy Star franchise but even this pisses me off lol. Is this honestly real? I am well aware that Sega has been going down the drain in reguards to both quality of their games and their reputation as a videogame company but this is laughable in the worst way possible.

I can picture it now.. like the episode of southpark about KFC and the shortage of chicken.. im sure KFC responded to Sega like the colonel said to Eric "Dont you ever f**k me Sega... Dont ever f**k me...." followed by a top sega employee being hung from a helicopter....

Either that or the Colonel claimed to "hold the legendary secret to making a half decent 3D sonic game" which of course would lead to Sega creaming their underwear..

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