Japanese Castlevania Trailer is Long But Bloody Great

Trailer with 7:35 run time has lots to share

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Japanese Castlevania Trailer is Long But Bloody Great
A Japanese trailer for upcoming title Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has appeared on the game's official Japanese website that goes into detail on the game's story, introduction and also shows some of the beast, demons and characters that Gabriel will encounter in the game.

What we got from the trailer is that Gabriel is out to save his wife and that the mask in the trailer is the key to achieving this.

The trailer also shows Gabriel chatting with several of the game's characters, some human, some not so much. Viewers will also get to see the game in action which looks gorgeous to say the least.

The game is due for release in the UK on October 7th with the Japanese version seeing a release on December 16th. The game looks fabulous but we'll let you know whether it lives up to the hype when we review the game later this month.

Source: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Japanese homepage


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