Motorstorm Apocalypse is the 'Best Example of 3D on PS3'

So says game director.

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Motorstorm Apocalypse is the 'Best Example of 3D on PS3'
Evolution Studios seems pretty confident in its ability to develop Motorstorm Apocalypse in stereoscopic 3D. In fact, the game's director Matt Southern told the PS.Blog that it's the best example of 3D on the PlayStation 3.

In a video interview at Gamescom, Southern explains the benefits of using 3D (being able to judge your position, corners, distances and the environment on the track better) before stating "Everybody's loving the 3D in the game. They're saying it's the best and most technically accomplished example of Stereoscopic 3D on PlayStation 3 - and it is."

Modest. But there is a degree of validity to the director's claims, as he adds that Evolution has been working on the technology for several years. "We're kind of lucky, we've been working on 3D for two years on PlayStation 3 and maybe three years before that on PC-based technology. We've learned our lessons, we've learned a way-- you know, you're drawing the level twice, and changing the degree of separation.

"And we've really made it something that's comfortable, that isn't obtrusive and that absolutely contributes to the experience, rather than just being a visual effect." Looks like Killzone 3 has some first-party competition in the 3D stakes.


config 25 Aug 2010 16:01
I've been banging on for I don't know how long that the killer app for 3D in the home is gaming, and that racing will be the genre to benefit the most. Anything that can enhance the perception of distance will improve the feel of the game. I remember playing Burnout on 360, and it was clear then that racing was a big winner in the HD 'revolution', and that was closely followed by FPSes, where spotting a long kill/threat is a huge advantage. Who gives a crap if I can see every lump of phlegm clinging to every blade of grass on Sky Sports. HD 3D gaming FTW!
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