Beyond Good and Evil 2 Still On Its Way

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot still confident game is progressing comfortably

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Beyond Good and Evil 2 Still On Its Way
In a meeting at Gamescom this week, the Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot reaffirmed that upcoming title Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still on its way and that it will be perfect among other details about the title.

Speaking with games website Kotaku , Guillemot said of developer Michael Ancel (who is working on BGaE2) that his "intention is to come [out] with something really exciting. But everybody needs a little bit of patience."

When quizzed as to why the first game is getting a sequel giving the lacklustre performance of the original Beyond Good and Evil, Guillemot replied:

"It's in our DNA to do innovative stuff because that's how the company was become what it is,"

Take from this what you will but it sounds like Beyond Good and Evil 2 will retain much of the charm of the original and hopefully include many refreshing ideas that can be fused together when the title is finally released. Keep on checking for updates on the title as we get them.

Takes us back to 2008 with the trailer from UbiDays.



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