Metal Gear Solid 2 most likely to be delayed

Solid Snake made to wait

Posted by Staff
Konami is set to delay the global release of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty following the attack on the World Trade Centre last week.

It is understood that the game depicts the New York skyline throughout, conspicuously showing the WTC as the focal point.

In an official release, Konami of America said, “Konami of America is still in shock over the recent tragic events. Metal Gear Solid 2 is about the desire to end violence on a global scale, as the previous games in the series have been. Like everyone in America, Konami is evaluating the impact of these events. In the meantime, all of our thoughts are with New York City and Washington, DC and all of the people whose lives have been touched by this tragedy. There are no words to adequately express our sorrow, but we firmly believe that the people of America will come through this trial stronger than ever. We do not know what effects there will be upon Metal Gear Solid 2 at this moment. We are currently collecting and analysing information regarding this matter and would like to express our condolences to the victims of the tragedy.”

Konami’s UK office ominously gave no comment, which is the standard response to a tricky question in the games industry.

Expect the game some time next year.


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