EA Apologises to Xbox 360 Medal of Honor Players

As PS3 and PC beta's enter 'second phase'

Posted by Staff
EA Apologises to Xbox 360 Medal of Honor Players
The fact that Electronic Arts is growing ever closer to the PlayStation 3 (as Microsoft and Activision cosy up over Xbox 360) will have nothing to do with the delay to the Medal of Honor Beta Phase 2 for owners of the Microsoft console.

The company has just released a statement entitled "Medal of Honor Beta Enters Phase 2 on PlayStation 3 and PC". Included in that is the following from said Greg Goodrich, Executive Producer of Medal of Honor:

"We would like to extend a gracious thank you to all of the PS3 and PC players for sharing their candid feedback on Medal of Honor and for pointing out areas of improvement. This is the beauty of a beta - your feedback will make the game better for everyone."

All well and good, until... "Unfortunately, we have experienced a delay with the beta on the Xbox 360. To the Xbox 360 community, we say thank you for your patience. We are working to fix the issues that have caused this delay. We are eager to get the game up and running and look forward to receiving your constructive and candid feedback which will certainly help ensure the game exceeds expectations this Fall."

By the way, 'Phase 2' entails more beta keys available here.


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