Level-5, the impressive studio behind the Professor Layton series, has been working on a project with Japanese animation company Studio Ghibli called Ninokuni: The Another World. Originally announced for the Q4 2010 release for the Nintendo DS, it's now been revealed that a PlayStation 3 version is also in the works.
Famitsu features the PS3 edition of the game in its latest issue, and it's looking very nice indeed - what's even more exciting is the thought of Studio Ghibli's animators creating original 1080p content for the game. If you've ever watched a Ghibli film, you'll know that the studio is unmatched for its incredible quality.
Ninokuni is a role-playing game, where spells are cast using the Nintendo DS' touch screen. If the addition of a PS3 version means support for the PlayStation Move, then my friends we are in business.
Level-5 will likely reveal actual details on the PS3 version during a press conference later in the week - as it happens, Famitsu only includes screenshots of the game running on Sony's platform.