Yes, it appears that sufficient time has elapsed since the untimely murder/death/disappearance of The King of Pop, Michael Jackson for it to be tasteful for Ubisoft to announce a game.
Indeed, a dancing and singing game in which the reanimated figure of TKoP can be controlled by eager gamers is coming this very Xmas.
Really showing that the game is for absolutely everybody in the world, John Branca, co-executor for The Estate of Michael Jackson shouts out that, "Kids", yes indeedy, "their parents, extended family members and friends will now have an opportunity to all come together and experience Michael's music and dance in an innovative, exciting and fun way."
Any game details John? Nope, but Michael Jackson Estate Co-Executor John McClain said, "Chaaaa-Ching!" No, he didn't, he said, "It is a game that the entire family can experience and enjoy together and this is something that would please Michael tremendously."
Ubi tells us that "The game will be available for "Project Natal" for Xbox 360"... eh? Project What?, "PlayStation 3 (PlayStation Move support), PSP, Nintendo's Wii and Nintendo DS for holiday 2010.