PS3's 3D Games Named

Stereoscopic that is

Posted by Staff
PS3's 3D Games Named
Today sees the release of what Sony calls a "stereoscopic 3D game experiences for PlayStation 3". We're calling it a "a selection of old games given the 3D treatment and costing €29.99 / £23.99 as a download. They are also free... if you buy a 3D Bravia TV.

The games are also available individually. So, what if you already own them? "...those who already own the games can upgrade their games to stereoscopic 3D via a free patch", says SCEE.

The games are:

WipEout HD - Racing in the future.
PAIN - throwing folk around the place.
SuperStardust HD - shooting aliens.
MotorStorm 3D Pacific Rift Demo - "Available exclusively as part of the stereoscopic 3D Collection", driving around the place like a psycho.

SCEE President Andrew House waffled, "PlayStation has always been about outstanding entertainment..." at which point we gave up.

Get downloading 3D fans.

Okay this the full quote: "
The stereoscopic 3D Collection showcases the depth of technology behind PS3 and gives us a feel for the potential for future releases. Stereoscopic 3D technology coupled with the likes of PlayStation®Move motion controller allows us to create an ever more compelling, realistic and immersive experience. Add to that our online capabilities, community interaction features, our film and music services and you’ve got a very exciting proposition for the future of home entertainment.”


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