Bulletstorm Trailer - Lots of Pain, Killing and Guns

Beware: Awesome to be said a great deal

Posted by Staff
EA and Epic's monstrous Bulletstorm shooter was shown to the press this week (more of this later) and now it's being shown to you via the trailer at the foot of this story.

According to the game's producer, Tanya Jessen, at the recent game unveiling in the USA, "It's a blood symphony, where you're the conductor". Nice.

Apparently though it's not one of the FPSs that demands that you think or attempt to do anything much more than blow other players and non-players away. This change from the run of the mill games in this often cerebrally rigorous (yes, we're kidding) genre, is apparently aimed at the casual gamer who simply wants to get online and kill stuff.



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