SEGA Arcade Restaurant Business Closes

SEGA had an arcade restaurant business?

Posted by Staff
SEGA Arcade Restaurant Business Closes
Sega Entertainment USA has announced it will be shutting down its GameWorks chain of arcade-restaurants and liquidating the business. No, we didn't know either.

GameWorks was acquired by Sega Entertainment USA in 2005 to revive the business. It was originally formed in 1997 as a collaboration between the publisher and US animation studio DreamWorks, but the partnership fell through in 2001 and things have been rocky ever since.

With only 15 arcade-restaurants across the country, you'd be forgiven for not even realising that this side of the company existed. Operations ceased on the 30th March, with a letter to creditors sent on the 22nd April to confirm the administration. Some stores will be sold, others... will simply fade away.

Via Reuters.


Billy Hatcher 29 Apr 2010 12:38
I am gutted about this. I have been flipping burgers at Gameworks to make ends meet.
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