Modern Warfare 2 - Stimulus Pack: Now Players are Hit With Billing Errors

Microsoft's Xbox Live Operations team explains what happened.

Posted by Staff
Modern Warfare 2 - Stimulus Pack: Now Players are Hit With Billing Errors
So the Stimulus Pack for Modern Warfare 2 was released onto Xbox Live yesterday. Except, it was broken. That was because the DLC was launched before the necessary Title Update. Something that Microsoft's Xbox Live Operations team has called "a process failure on our part" on its blog.

"Once they had been released out of order, it wasn’t a simple thing for us to resolve," Microsoft team member '-e-' explains. "For a couple of hours the result was unpredictable but most people couldn’t get into a game through matchmaking. In technical terms, it was a big hairball that we had to unwind."

But the problems aren't over yet, as it was also confirmed that some players are experiencing issues with Xbox Live's billing system.

According to -e-, those who purchased pre-paid Microsoft Points cards for the Stimulus Pack are the worst off, with properly activated cards reporting back to the team as non-activated. "You haven’t done anything wrong, you won’t lose your money, and you don’t need to go back to the store – just hang in there and try again in a few hours," is the advice handed by the team.

Elsewhere in the Xbox Live billing world, -e- has revealed that there are also side-effects of the DLC's popularity that may result in redemption code errors on consoles and official websites.


Showing the 20 most recent comments. Read all 24.
Simon 31 Mar 2010 15:07
anyone know if/when this is comming to PS3 ?, (and dont start the "go get and Xbox" crap cos i got an Elite one but packed it away in its box when i got the PS3 cos to be honest its crap in comparison lol, Thanks
ThatGuy_80 31 Mar 2010 15:10
Disregard that last comment, I suck cocks.
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ThatGuy_80 31 Mar 2010 15:23
i actually meant that PS3's are for girls ans Xbox's rule!!!
I suck thatguy_80s mums cock 31 Mar 2010 15:29
PS3s are s**t
ThatGuy_80 31 Mar 2010 15:56
Haha My willy wobbles when i jump :3
MW2 & FIFA 10 all day long 31 Mar 2010 18:25
I own a xbox 360 but i play the ps3 with my friends all the time.
To be quite frank, i would swap my xbox elite with the ps3 now.
My 1 year subcription to Live has ran out recently.
I payed 4 a month xbox live but then my xbox broke down.
So, i paid 2 get it fixed and got it back.
But my Xbox Live ran out without ever going online, its so frustating.
ckyleburnett 31 Mar 2010 22:32
It's funny how people who only have xbox say its the best, but people who own both definatively say PS3 is best. I have all platforms and I havent played a wii or 360 game since day 1 of PS3 purchase, nor can I ever seem to find any interest in any game not on PS3. I am not trying to say anything other than "PS3 is best", lol
ive got aids 1 Apr 2010 01:49
tbh i have both and think xbox is much better online but ps3 if your a loner like ckyleburnett
anonymous 1 Apr 2010 05:17
XBOX 360 would win hands down!! People play more since they have to pay for it. But since we have to pay for it monthly the servers are never down unless we have an update..@ThatGuy_80
slim 1 Apr 2010 08:39
i have both, i bought the xbox first and got my ps3 2 years ago in august. in the last 2 years, i played my xbox about 4 times. ps3 is superior, it's true.
jonnybps3 1 Apr 2010 11:10
cos u cant afford it :)@I_suck_thatguy_80s_mums_cock
Bobby Bobbyson 1 Apr 2010 13:28
oh dear if all you guys care about is which one is better then you're all freakin fags. i have both consoles and both consoles are great and some things are better than others. xbox is good because it has better games but ps3 is better because it has a blue ray player and online is free. now if you are all going to continue to be retarded and continue with these messages about who is better then do, i dont care but just keep in mind what the other console has instead of yours
anonymous 1 Apr 2010 13:56
tbh i have both ps3 and xbox and i like them both but if i was to pick one it would be the XBOX 360
ps3 vs xbox 1 Apr 2010 20:01
i own an xbox 360 elite and a ps3. i got a ps3 after i got an xbox and in my opinion ps3 is alot better. i havent touched my xbox since i got my ps3 last year. Anyway it doesnt matter which console is the best. noobs that swear at people for liking ps3s or xboxs just have to realize both consoles are great, just play the one thats right for u
Hmmm PS3!!! 1 Apr 2010 23:11
I also have both consoles and I often switch between both but if I had a choice it would be ps3. I play a lot and I'm not bragging but I'm good on both consoles but kids on Xbox are mad gay cuz they think they r pro cuz they camp hard. PS3 all day!!!!!!!!
PSN: Deathdog023
anonymouse 2 Apr 2010 12:05
@ThatGuy_80 i agree with you on that i hav watched alot of videos of people playin cod on xbox and quite frankly they are all noobs for example in a few quick scopin videos iv watched some 1 will run upto someone and look at them for several second before shootin and they miss every bullet they fire anyway where as on the ps3 i often i get shot before iv even stepped round a corner ps3 players are alot better than xbox and ps3 systems are better than xbox iv never had a ps3 break and iv got 3 (1 is my brothers 1 is mine and 1 is my dads) the oldest 1 is mine which is 1 of the orginal that plays ps2 games and not once hav i experienced any problems with any of them at all :P
xbox sucks c*ck 3 Apr 2010 07:53
The fact that the can't even get their launch right sums it up! Microsoft LOLS
....... 3 Apr 2010 23:19
I'm sorry 'Bobby Bobbyson,' but when i read your post I couldn't disagree more with you. 360 having better games? Honestly??? No.
....... 3 Apr 2010 23:20
Oh and one more thing. This article was about the Stimulus pack being broken, how did this end up being about which console is better? What's wrong with you people, jeez....
imighthaveaname 5 Apr 2010 10:47
LOL imagine u won a prize and u had the choice between a free 360 or ps3. wich would u take?? wouldn't be wise if u choose the 360
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