Kojima Productions: Peace Walker Was Once MGS5

Studio blog reveals working title for handheld game.

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Kojima Productions: Peace Walker Was Once MGS5
Kojima Productions' PR manager, Jiro Oishi has revealed on the company's blog that the original intention for PSP title Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was to make it the fifth game in the core 'Tactical Espionage Action' series.

Images of internal documents were posted that shows the game's original title - 'Metal Gear Solid 5'. Perhaps the number was removed to avoid disappointment from fans that the latest (or earliest) in Snake's legend would wind up being a portable title. Either way, Oishi says that although there is no longer a number, the studio is treating it as a major release, with the game's content reflecting this.

You may recall a use of the number '5' in Kojima Productions' E3 2009 teaser website. It was led to believe that MGS5 would end up being the console-bound Rising, starring Raiden. In fact, that number came from Peace Walker's working title.

Apparently the Rising and Peace Walker teams haven't been getting along since the announcement at E3, but at least the latter team can take solace in the fact that it's working on the real 'sequel' to the series.


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