Hey, planning on getting Assassin's Creed II on your PC? Well we hope you have a good internet provider - Ubisoft's latest DRM requires the user to have a constant network connection if they want to play the game. Settlers VII is another game that comes with the DRM requirement.CVG discovered that on game launch you see the Ubisoft Game Launcher start up, which checks for an internet connection before letting you play. If no connection is found, an error message is thrown at you. Worse, if your connection drops during a game you're automatically kicked off, and all progress since the last checkpoint or savepoint will be lost.
Not only will your gameplay time depend on your constant connection, but it also depends on Ubisoft's 'master servers' to run without a hitch. Should the servers go down or there be a maintenance period, you're once again booted from the game without so much as a savestate.
One benefit the Ubisoft DRM offers is the ability to save your game on the cloud, allowing you to continue on another computer. Is it worth such the massive restriction on players though? Speak your mind in the comments area below.