Get Heavy Rain Demo by Cheating

You kids, so impatient

Posted by Staff
Demon or Angel? Or neither?
Demon or Angel? Or neither?
Having been playing Heavy Rain for some time now, we're still split over it here in the office. We're sure, however, that you'd like to make your own mind up soon. Well, you can either do the Heavy Rain Four-Day Challenge, or you can cheat.

You'll need to sign up for the Challenge either way. Once you've done that go to Precinct 52 where you need to choose four bits of evidence:

* The short cigarette butt from the cigarette butts
* The odd right hand driver picture from the tire tracks
* The diner with a Sphinx picture on it
* The Origami Bird

Bingo! You get the demo code.

Our review will be as soon as the embargo breaks next week.

Source: Kotaku.


oliverasadi 5 Feb 2010 15:54
any one have a spare code the site isnt working for me :/
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