New Aliens Vs Predator 2 shots!

Alien death creature dream-match returns!

Posted by Staff
Vivendi Universal has released some screen grabs from the latest build of Aliens Vs Predator 2 for your visual enjoyment.

AVP, right from conception back in 1997 was a game of dreams. Two of the coolest ever (if not the coolest) alien killing type creatures pitted together, with a few humans thrown in for good measure.

We know of a security guard who used to watch over the premises of a well respected games company over night. In the reception downstairs was a copy of the original Aliens Vs Predator, on show for the public. This guy used to sit, alone in a massive old converted mill, with all the strange noises inherent in such a building, and play AVP alone all night. The nutter!

In development at Fox Interactive, AVP 2 is due for release later in the year for PC with console versions in consideration at the moment.


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