Nintendo: 125 Million DS, 65 Million Wiis Sold Worldwide

NSMBWii, Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort also top 10m sales mark.

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Nintendo: 125 Million DS, 65 Million Wiis Sold Worldwide
Nintendo might be seeing a bit of a profits downturn in the US, but worldwide things couldn't be better, with the Japanese company announcing that global Lifetime-to-Date sales of the Wii and DS have exceeded 65 million units and 125 million units respectively.

These numbers have come from a four – five years sales period, with the Americas selling more Wii consoles worldwide (32 million) since its launch in Winter 2006 – 45 million DS handhelds, covering the DS Lite, DSi and DSi XL platforms, were sold in the region. Japan shifted 9.7 million Wiis and 29.9 million DS units, while 'Other Regions' (including Europe) moved 25.7 million Wii and 50 million DS consoles.

Nintendo also announced that New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort have all sold more than 10 million copies worldwide since release. 10.5 million units of New Super Mario Bros. Wii were shifted since its November launch, already outselling Super Mario Galaxy's lifetime sales. Wii Fit Plus enjoyed 10.1 million sales since October, while Wii Sports Resort hit 13.5 million since its July release, with five million of those coming from Europe.

With several 'core' Nintendo games being released in 2010 – including Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M and the new Legend of Zelda – that number of sold games and consoles is likely to continue growing. In any case, it's a fantastic showing for a company that was presumed dead during the lifetime of the Gamecube.


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